Welcome to Our Hall of Fame: A Milestone for EMPIC!
We are overjoyed to announce a significant addition to EMPIC’s community: the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) has joined as a distinguished new member. This collaboration marks a noteworthy expansion of our clientele in military aviation, with TH-MAA being the latest prestigious addition.
The RTAF has chosen to enhance its safety oversight management processes by acquiring various modules of our EMPIC-EAP® package. In a symbolic gesture, Paulo Martinho proudly placed the flag of the Thai RTAF in our Hall of Fame at our office in Erlangen.
We eagerly anticipate a fruitful partnership with the Thai Authority and extend a heartfelt welcome to them. Joining our community is not just an honour for them, but a privilege for us as well.
Warm regards,
Jörg Kottenbrink