Quick Facts
- Founded November 2001
- > 8.5 Mio EUR / 9.5 Mio US $ revenue annually
- About 65 staff, the majority are software developers and engineers
- EMPIC is dedicated to providing regulatory oversight software to the niche market of civil and military aviation regulators
- Part of the privately owned HEITEC Group
- ISO 9001:2015 certified
- Recognized by ICAO and EASA
EMPIC’s pedigree stretches back almost more than 20 years to when it was founded to continue the pioneering collaboration established by the aviation regulators of Austria and Switzerland. Over subsequent years their initial project, focussed on managing the Medical elements of Personnel Licencing, has evolved (with the help of over €70m investment) into a fully formed system for Aviation Regulators to manage all aspects of safety and security oversight.
“What makes EMPIC® and EMPIC-EAP® so special?”

- EMPIC has the world’s largest client base for aviation regulator’s oversight software.
- We are the only software provider organizing international user group meetings for aviation regulators for more than 15 years – built by regulators for regulators.
- Almost more than 20 years experience in the niche market of aviation regulator oversight software: we know and meet your needs! We actively monitor aviation regulation changes.
- We work for aviation regulators exclusively, not for the industry. No potential conflict of interest.
- EMPIC guarantees continuous development of the software to keep pace with the changes in regulations and technology, safeguarding your investment. One of the benefits of the maintenance contract.
- EMPIC is flexible in project implementation: as a general contractor offering turn-key solutions or just providing support to your implementation team.
- We intend to work with you in a long-lasting relationship. Our clients from the first hour are still on board. Many clients are with us for ten, fifteen or more years.
- EMPIC also supports implementing customer projects with the help of local partners. The product’s high level of configurability allows our implementation partners in Asia, Africa and America to introduce EMPIC-EAP® without having access to the EMPIC source code. They just configure the product according to the customer’s needs – or the customer can configure the system with their own resources.
- EMPIC is profitable, has no debts and relevant revenues of over 8.5 Mio. EUR annually with aviation regulators.
Jörg K. Kottenbrink, CEO EMPIC GmbH
Our Vision: EMPIC-EAP® for CAAs/NAAs and MAAs
EMPIC’s vision is the trusted market leadership for configurable standard software for civil and military aviation regulators. We are dedicated to support all core business areas within a aviation regulator with our software solutions. Our aim is to serve our customers at highest level of satisfaction. Our customers use EMPIC-EAP® as a “Safety and Security Oversight Management System”. Our target market are the civil and military aviation regulators working compliant to the rules of:
- EC
- National law
The best system on the market – for a fraction of the costs of own software development
EMPIC-EAP®: THE standard software for aviation regulators