With over 30 clients worldwide, EMPIC’s support to civil and military authorities regulating aviation in more than 40 territories demonstrates a true global reach. In addition, EMPIC have a network of international partners strategically located to assist with implementation and support activities, ensuring help is always at hand whenever you may need it.
What our clients say about the EMPIC® Community
IAA, Ireland
“The EMPIC product continues to develop and grow thanks to EMPIC and the user groups. IAA participates in the user groups because EMPIC is built by Regulators for Regulators.”Transportstyrelsen, Sweden
“The user-group meetings are appreciated by the Swedish authority among users, project managers and specialists alike. We get to know news in the product and also new future plans and roadmaps. We have the opportunity to meet people from other authorities and can share our experience using EMPIC applications. We also have the opportunity to discuss the way we handle different tasks in our authorities.”Luftfartstilsynet, Norway
“The EMPIC system, with the different modules we have implemented, gives great support to the Civil Aviation Authority within our core tasks and processes, like organisational approval and the related oversight activities, personal licensing, and aircraft registration and surveillance. The User Meetings are both educational and constructive, and ensure that the main development is user-driven. The possibility to meet and discuss with other countries is always informative, instructive and socially rewarding.”FOCA, Switzerland
“The Swiss delegation from FOCA for the EMPIC applications would like to thank EMPIC for another successful and very interesting User Meeting at the new location of EMPIC GmbH in Erlangen. These User Meetings make an important contribution in securing the development of the functionality in the EMPIC modules according to the needs of the customers and they are also a good opportunity to share our experience with colleagues from other authorities.”OSAC, DSAÉ, France
“We particularly appreciated this first user meeting of 2017 due to our possible participation in TC/AR and OAS meetings (not having parallel sessions was a real improvement). A user meeting is always a good way to share with EMPIC and other authorities visions about the future (especially for RPBO) and also discuss common problems during meetings and social events. Open communication with all parties is valuable to find common solutions and evolutions.”CASA, Australia
„It was worth coming to EMPIC to the user group meeting, even for us as the long-distance client. The exchange with other aviation regulators using the same product is extremely useful.”SACAA, South Africa
SACAA joined the EMPIC community end of 2014 to establish the EBS (Enterprise Business System) based on EMPIC-EAP®.“Since we implemented EBS, our working practices have been transformed for the better and our ICAO USOAP scores improved significantly. Our stakeholders will also benefit from the improved efficiencies and they particularly appreciate being able to access our system via the web. We come to EMPIC with subject matter experts and a project manager to learn from the discussion with EMPIC and the other aviation authorities.”
NCAA, Namibia
“It was really an eye opener to attend the recent EMPIC user meetings for the first time with my colleagues from Namibia. We realised the benefit of attending the meetings and can now appreciate the role that users play in the development process for the software. It was good to see what others are doing and to build our network with the other clients, which would be very helpful in the future. We had the opportunity to learn from others' learning curves and to appreciate the real strength of the process followed and of the software itself.CAA, Slovenia
“Thank you for organising the EMPIC user meeting. Being new on the EMPIC team, we could gather relevant information from more experienced users. Such meetings contribute to harmonised aviation systems in EU member states and broader. The user group meetings give us the unique opportunity to discuss and to vote for future developments of the system, so that the solution is tailored to our regulator needs. We hope that the next meeting will be held in a conference room, and we will be able to meet in person again.”CAA, Latvia
“Every time a user meeting takes place, it is an opportunity to learn something new, to exchange experiences between other Member States. Continuous EMPIC-EAP® software evolution and implementation of new features always ensures stable operation of the Latvia CAA and compliance with regulations”CAA, Croatia
“I am one of the first persons from Croatian CAA to attend the User Meeting and have been on every User Meeting since 2013. It has always been a great experience and your care for the customers is outstanding. Thank you for that. I am the person in charge of implementing every single EMPIC module in Croatian CAA and the User Meeting is a very powerful event that helped us a lot during the implementation process because it is the opportunity to interact and get the best practice from other users all around the word. It is the best way to introduce yourself in the EMPIC community and in my opinion, it would be impossible to implement such a huge project without the great support of EMPIC staff and other users. We all hope that the Covid situation will end soon so we can all meet in Erlangen again and see each other live. 😊”BHDCA, Bosnia and Herzegovina
“We are EMPIC users since 2010! EMPIC is one of the best innovative IT applications in aviation which facilitates civil aviation authorities conducting their regular tasks in accordance with the regulations. EMPIC covers all aspects necessary for the full implementation of the regulatory requirements as the valuable asset to the users. Thanks to EMPIC, paperwork becomes past. EMPIC connects IT application and regulatory framework and gives the opportunity to the members of EMPIC to share their experience and spread networks among themselves at the regular User Meeting."TRAFICOM, Finland
"At user meetings we have opportunity to get information about upcoming features, functionalities and development roadmap. During Covid-19 times, Teams online user meeting has been a good alternate to get information and give feedback in Corona safe way. User meetings at Erlangen are good chance to meet and collaborate with other authorities and exchange best practices. At the end that it's always nice to meet others face to face."The following civil and military aviation authorities use EMPIC-EAP®
Our clients trust in us.
We invite them regularly to join our user group meetings in Erlangen, Germany.