What makes EMPIC-EAP® a superior product?
- Field-proven solution with many reference customers
- User meetings to discuss future requirements, share best-practice approaches and experiences
- Easy access to information and data
- Live data in a fully integrated database approach (“single source of truth”) gives you the basis for making the right decisions
- Standardized data in configurable hierarchical structures (taxonomy) avoids the input of free text and ensures advanced statistics and reports
- Use of taxonomy on regulations, surveillance planning, surveillance outcomes, organizations, certificate types etc.
- Traceability, transparency and detailed logging of data changes
- Increased efficiency and process / compliance control of your workforce due to workflows, automation, document management, case management
- Rich set of functionalities
- “Rules Inside“ and checks during work
- Flexible and highly configurable solution for your national regulations and needs
- Delivery of updates (including new features) via maintenance contract
- Synergies between our customers (data exchange)
- Secure and sustainable investment
- Solution with seamlessly integrated modules and automated cross-checks between application areas
- Robust technology
- Supports the “paperless office” / “fully digital” approach for your staff and clients
- Mobile and offline devices for surveillance activities
System Overview
EMPIC-EAP® is a software system created by regulators for regulators to address the safety and security oversight responsibilities conferred by ICAO and the Chicago Convention. The result is a versatile modular structure that is highly configurable and provides total flexibility. Whether you need a fully featured system covering all types of organisation, licences, approvals, certifications & permissions, or if you only need a simple solution to cover just one area of responsibility (e.g. the Aircraft Register or Personnel Licensing) – you name it and EMPIC-EAP® has it covered. With multiple integrations to legacy systems as well as leading edge Web services to connect you with your stakeholders, EMPIC-EAP® can deliver exactly what you and your industry require. And because the system is modular, it is possible to tailor the system to meet your immediate priorities and budget, then add further functionality as circumstances require.
State-of-the-Art Software
At practitioner level, EMPIC-EAP® delivers slick, state of the art software, making your day to day life easier and more productive. You spend more time regulating, less time on administration; information is at your fingertips, anywhere in the system. Data need only be entered once and it becomes available everywhere so there are no duplicate or out of date records lurking in hidden corners of the system, just a single source of the truth!
Reference documentation, checklists and workflows are there to help guide you and keep you on track. All of this is configurable to meet your needs; built by regulators for regulators, so you can be confident all bases will be covered.
A Game Changer
For regulators already using EMPIC-EAP®, the system has been a game changer, allowing them to deploy state of the art technologies confident that the software is fully tested and sufficiently robust enough to be trusted with a pivotal role in their national infrastructure.
EMPIC® Solutions
Personnel Licensing
Flight Crew Licensing(EMPIC® FCL)
- reference to personal data stored in the Customer Management module (EMPIC® CM)
- extensive definition of background data (master data) like all possible theoretical and flight examinations, language proficiency checks, flight experience, endorsements, licences, ratings, and their respective detailed data
- definition of condition trees for different types of license and permissions and their ratings
- various acquisition types (initial, conversion, renewal, etc.) may have their own condition trees
- possibility to define cross-checks to the module Aircraft Register (EMPIC® AR) and to the module managing approval of flight schools (EMPIC® OAS)
- possibility to define internal cross-checks for flight instructor and examiner
- entry of relevant data like all accomplished theoretical and practical examinations, flight experience, medicals, check points, ratings, approvals, and license printouts per pilot
- automatic collection of billing-relevant information in the background
- detailed history of all data base changes
- bookmarks for fast access to important objects
- interface to EMPIC® MEDICAL
- interface to EMPIC® EXS
- full integration of AMEs, AeMCs and the AMS work, all within a single system
- high speed and efficiency of performing examinations
- multi-license approach per person
- supports AMEs with calculations on the extent of examinations
- helps filling in electronic forms
- completeness check of electronic forms
- re-use of data, access to history of previous examinations
- fully calculated print of medical certificate at the AME or AeMC
- the authority receives all incoming examinations pre-sorted (automatic screening)
- quick check of incoming cases and easy way of inquiries or electronic forwarding
- workflows for expert consultation, temporarily unfit results, unfit results, granting read permissions to other AMEs
- handling of consultations and referrals
- traceability and documentation of all examination details
- even logging of view activities of all users
- high level of confidentiality via encryption during transport and storage
- multi-user system (sharing work within one AME / AeMC office)
- reference to stored data in the Customer Management module (EMPIC® CM)
- extensive definition of background data (master data) like all possible ratings, endorsements, units / sectors, and their respective detailed data
- definition of condition trees
- multi-license approach per person
- entry of relevant data like all accomplished theoretical and practical examinations, medicals, ratings, language endorsements, unit-endorsements, state- and license endorsements, check points and license printouts per air traffic controller
- detailed history of all data base changes
- bookmarks for fast access to important objects
- interface to EMPIC® MED
- full integration of AMEs, AeMCs and the AMS work, all within a single system
- high speed and efficiency of performing examinations
- multi-license approach per person
- supports AMEs with calculations on the extent of examinations
- Helps filling in electronic forms
- completeness check of electronic forms
- re-use of data, access to history of previous examinations
- fully calculated print of medical certificate at the AME or AeMC
- the authority receives all incoming examinations pre-sorted (automatic screening)
- quick check of incoming cases and easy way of inquiries or electronic forwarding
- workflows for expert consultation, temporarily unfit results, unfit results, granting read permissions to other AMEs
- handling of consultations and referrals
- traceability and documentation of all examination details
- even logging of view activities of all users
- High level of confidentiality via encryption during transport and storage
- multi-user system (sharing work within one AME / AeMC office)
- reference to personal data stored in the Customer Management module (EMPIC® CM)
- extensive definition of background data (master data) like all possible theoretical examinations, categories, ratings, limitations and their respective detailed data
- multi-license approach per person
- entry of relevant data like all accomplished theoretical examinations, categories, ratings, limitations, and license printouts per person
- definition of condition trees
- automatic collection of billing-relevant information in the background
- detailed history of all data base changes
- interface to EMPIC® EXS
The intuitive and user-friendly system covers the whole examination process from the preparation of tasks and candidate administration to examination monitoring and archiving.
LTS PEXO is one of the world’s leading software solutions for administrating aviation theory examinations and incorporates regulations and requirements stipulated by ICAO and EASA. Thus, you can design license examinations compliant with current regulation. The highly flexible system allows adapting the examinations to suit different versions and processes.
EMPIC-EAP® uses a web service interface to connect to the LTS PEXO system. Applicant data and examination results are transferred between LTS PEXO and the appropriate modules in EMPIC-EAP®.
Features include:
- question management
- question design
- results management
- reporting
- statistical analysis
- registration (see Examination Booking System)
- examination procedure, preparation, and management
- multi-lingual UI
- offline examinations
More details at www.lplus.de
(EMPIC® EXS Booking)
These security levels usually are applied by the person’s employer. The aviation staff checks the application (e.g. a proof of good reputation issued by law enforcement). A certificate of security level is granted when the person’s application is approved.
Every country follows different procedures regarding dependencies within several security levels, processing (e.g. pre-paid versus invoicing) and administrative details (e.g. validation date versus infinite validity).
This module handles the complete life cycle of security level application. Applications may be received from external sources via interface.
Air Law (ICAO & EASA), Airframe Systems Power Plant, Instruments, Performance, Mass & Balance, Flight Planning, Human Performance, Meteorology, General Navigation, Radio Navigation, Operational Procedures, Principles of Flight, Communications (VFR+IFR)
A1, A2, A3, A4, B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4, B2, B3
Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Fundamentals, Electronic Fundamentals, Digital Techniques, Materials and Hardware, Maintenance Practices, Basic Aerodynamics, Human Factors, Aviation Legislation, Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems, Helicopters Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems, Aircraft Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems, Propulsion, Gas Turbine Engine, Piston Engine, Propeller
Technical Areas
Type Certificates incl. Airworthiness Directives, Environmental Certificates(EMPIC® TC)
Recorded data and available features include:
- temporary or permanent registration of national and foreign aircraft including management of registration data (mark changes, home base, data on aircraft import, customs data and assignment of mode S codes) which follows a life cycle that ends with deregistration.
- reservation of registration marks
- management of owners / operators / representatives /… including applicants for the respective roles
- link to TC types (airframe, engines, propellers) and all corresponding technical data (as detailed under EMPIC® TC)
- actual manufacturer, serial number, year of construction, and recording of flight hours (TSN, TSO, … for airframe, engines, and propellers)
- management of ELT 406 codes and the corresponding contacts
- insurance policies covering aircraft and/or passengers
- ICAO 83bis or other contracts between countries
- management of IDERAs (based on the Capetown Convention)
- management of suspensions (grounding)
- deviations, i.e. exemptions from regulations
- management of AMPs (e.g. maintenance programs, declarations)
- maintenance (e.g. CAMOs, CAOs, MOs / AMO’s, self-maintenance (POM, …)
- references to all OAS certificates concerning the aircraft / fleet
- integrated surveillance layer (EMPIC® SL) to enable a powerful management of aircraft inspections
- integrated mobile solution (EMPIC® mobileSL) to conduct offline aircraft inspections at aerodromes, airfields, hangars, …
- as of 2020, EMPIC® AR includes case management to handle more complex procedures in highly configurable worksheets, as detailed on EMPIC® CASE.
- management of inspectors, delegates, certifying staff, and independent certifying staff
- management of accidents including related pilots, as well as material damage and personal injury,
- powerful configuration feature for board documents including management of their life cycle (draft, active, suspended, revoked, inactive, …)
- issuing of board documents (standard or self-configured), management of duplicates, full history
- linking of parts & appliances, e.g. to detail hardware used for communication or radio signals as well as removed / added components which must be be printed on an aircraft’s CofR
- printouts like letters, reports, overviews, …
- management of assigned documents (by the system resp. by the user), sent e-mails and invoices, file notes and alerts
- de-registration and non-registration notifications
- bookmarks for fast access to important objects
- additional data structures and values according to customer’s specification
- incoming and outgoing notifications about relevant changes from and to customer management (EMPIC® CM) or type certificates (EMPIC® TC)
- powerful search function with filters, user-specific preferences, …
- history management “Who did what and when in the database?”
- XML import/export interface of relevant data
- mortgages can be assigned to an individual aircraft or to groups of aircraft
- managed data include a unique reference number, status, registration date, local and foreign mortgagor, mortgagee, mortgaged sum, and currency
- a mortgage starts out in “draft” status until all necessary data is completed
- when the responsible officer has set the mortgage status to “active”, data may not be changed anymore
- the current mortgagee may be substituted by another (so-calledc
- cessions are historically recorded
- the mortgage life cycle ends with the status “discharged”
Regulators may assess occurrence risks and link the affected aircraft and organisation within the EMPIC-EAP® system to the occurrence. This data could be further used in EMPIC’s Risk- and Performance-Based Oversight module as a basis for even better decision-making and predictions on future risks in relation to stakeholders or service providers. Using the occurrence dashboard, regulators can get an overview on all the occurrences and filter them based on sector, class, severity etc.
The module offers the following functionalities:
- web application / API interface to report / retrieve occurrences
- an inbox function allows the users to view and analyse the incoming original reports and create an occurrence object or mark reports as duplicates
- users can set up the mandated reporting timeframe in the module and follow up on occurrences accordingly
- users can link involved aircraft, organisations, and persons to the occurrence
- risk assessment and safety recommendations for occurrences
- all activities on the occurrences will be logged
Central Modules
Customer Management(EMPIC® CM)
This module offers the following highlights:
- hierarchical tree for holdings, companies, locations, divisions etc.
- any number of contact persons per hierarchy level
- any number of different addresses per hierarchy level
- easy overview on organisations or persons via manual or automated “tagging” of classification information
- custom (free definable) attributes assigned to a person or organisation
- “single source” principle for persons and organisations
- shows where information is used within EMPIC-EAP modules (GDPR-relevant)
- integrated document management or external DMS interface
- detailed historical record keeping
- bookmarks for fast access to important objects
- “announcement” to allow users to request changes of address, name etc. to a central organisation unit
- master data definition for many areas like city lookup tables and catalogues
This module offers the following highlights:
- unlimited number of registered user accounts
- decentralised user group management
- users can be structured by groups and/or roles
- role-based permission management
- collection of roles in groups
- permissions for various use cases and functional areas in all modules
- permissions for: reading, writing, viewing, creating, deleting, administrative tasks
- statistics about login activities
- history log of user activities searchable using various criteria
- definition of password rules and validities
- management of failed login trials
- permissions of external WEB users (in case of EMPIC® WEB)
A separate feature enables privileged users to pre-define worksheet and case templates which outline the steps required in different scenarios. You can always create a case from scratch. Or, with the template feature activated, you can also create a case from a case template (including worksheet, required team member functions, predefined workflows, etc.) or use one or more individual worksheet templates to design a case worksheet.
Case Management may be used to support ICAO 5 phases (gates) and have a checklist to follow. The case also shows the progress made and notifies users when due dates are passed. Case data queried can be in the Query Synthesizer module to generate statistics, internal / external e-mail notifications etc.
Our Case component is quite flexible. It can be used as a project management tool or as a “container” to collect all relevant steps and their official clearance. Documents (see Document Folders), file notes, audits etc. that occur in a lengthy certification process are well organized to guarantee traceability and transparency. In combination with the Workflow feature, a workflow can generate a case and a case can start workflows during specific case steps.
- an OAS organization has an additional document folder for each exposition revision assigned.
- a surveillance activity in OAS has an additional document folder per finding.
- an OAS certificate has additional document folders for enforcements and deviations.
In many cases, the documents created at child objects are displayed in the document folder of the parent object, too, for example:
- documents of visits are displayed in the parent organization’s document folder.
- documents of findings are displayed in the surveillance activity’s document folder.
- printouts of certificates or surveillance activity reports are displayed in the parent organization’s document folder.
- printouts of deviations and enforcements are displayed in the parent certificate’s document folder.
Documents can either be added by the user or created by the system or a print action. The documents are listed in a separate table. Each document may include several files, for example one file which contains data and an attached cover letter.
If the Web Service Interface to DMS is configured, the files are physically stored in an external DMS system, and they are still available within EMPIC-EAP®.
Elements of SL:
- repository for background information such as regulation texts, handbooks (hierarchical regulation trees, exposition and topic structures) and questionnaires, organized in reusable requirement sets
- management of “hidden regulations”. This allows the surveillance of airport security (airport security check) as another field of application.
- pre-defining text blocks for surveillance outcomes linked to regulations
- linking configurable taxonomy (hierarchical ratings/classification systems) to regulations
- creating question catalogues linked to regulations
- configuration of finding level, due dates, functions, phases, finding data, taxonomy etc. for different contexts
- surveillance periods
- wizard for audits / inspections / follow-ups (surveillance activities)
- templates for re-using surveillance checklists
- agenda management
- handling of internal and external participants (function- and location-oriented)
- planning based on combinations of regulations, topics, taxonomy, previous surveillance activities and their outcomes and content scopes (comparative approach) is possible
- integrated surveillance activity calendar shows the consolidated annual plan covering all inspectors in all departments at a glance
- combined surveillance activity with compliance-based (CBO) and performance-based oversight (PBO) elements
- surveillance activity-specific checklist generation (can be synchronized to EMPIC® mobileSL)
- supports time zones, location information, planned/carried-out dates
- full text of regulation articles and paragraphs, manual chapters, expositions or topic-based classifications are available during an assessment of the checklist without leaving the assessment view
- finding documentation with responsibility, level, dates, risk classification, root cause analysis, corrective action, corrective action plan, preventative action etc.
- “ad-hoc” questions can be added
- configurable classification systems (taxonomy) for findings
- multiple findings per article; one finding per multiple articles
- configurable finding levels
- configurable risk classification / categorization system (taxonomy)
- configurable print engine
- warning for due dates
- EMPIC® WEB supports the external stakeholder in uploading and release process of a corrective action plan (CAP) and closing of findings
- handling of observations
- handling of evidence
- synchronisation of planned dates to calendar applications
A separate online / offline application (EMPIC® mobileSL) is also available. This helps authority members to perform surveillance activities with checklists and allows documentation of the findings. Later on, the user can synchronize the data to the main system.
(EMPIC® mobileSL)
- synchronizes planned audits / inspections to the device
- checklists and regulations are available offline
- designed for touchscreen and mouse / keyboard
- evidence documentation (compliance / findings)
- predefined finding texts
- use of integrated camera and annotations to pictures possible
- a separate document folder per finding
- surveillance activity report can be signed with pen or mouse (storage of uploaded signatures is also possible)
- offline printing of preliminary audit report (using a specific template synchronised from server) incl. pictures and signatures
- synchronizing all findings / documents etc. with the central server
- supports team audits on several devices / consolidation on the EMPIC-EAP® server
- supports CBO (compliance-based) and PBO (performance-based oversight)
- supports RAMP inspections
- checklist view can be structured as flat list, grouped hierarchy, or agenda items
- search and download of closed surveillance activities for historical views
- encryption between device and EMPIC-EAP® server, based on web service Interface
QS enhances the functionality of all modules because:
- it provides a graphical user interface to browse through the complete database structure
- an administrator can configure queries (reports) for end users and share them in other EMPIC modules
- power users can run complex ad-hoc queries
- query results are only displayed to users who have appropriate permissions (link to EMPIC® SEC module)
- queries can be run in the background via timer job
- query results can be mailed automatically to internal / external e-mail recipients determined in the result list (individualised serial e-mails based on query results)
- QS can use print templates (such as MS-Excel, Jaspersoft) to beautify the output in graphs
- QS can export the results in various formats
- Web Service QS lets 3rd party systems access queries and returns results
- the tool supports aggregation functions (sum, max, etc.) and also dynamic expressions (today, + 6 months, etc.), enabling end users to create powerful statistics / reports
- users are supported during query design by hints to possible data combination
(EMPIC® Language)
e.g., to issue bi-lingual licenses. Address data and the licence holder’s name may be shown in Latin and Thai characters, for example.
The graphical interface enables even casual users to design complex workflow templates – no specialist knowledge or programming skills required. Workflow templates are directly executable, no additional implementations by EMPIC needed.
EMPIC® WF is completely integrated throughout EMPIC-EAP® and may also be configured to integrate with EMPIC® WEB. Workflows can also interface with external systems using a web service. Workflow jobs can be triggered by users, by a system event, or by an incoming form. With EMPIC® Workflow installed, rest assured that documents don’t go astray, progress can be tracked, processes and procedures are respected and that eventual outcomes follow suit to whatever conditions the authority has configured.
Some highlights:
- workflows support decision-making based on user’s input or data constellation
- exclusive, inclusive and parallel gateways can be defined to mirror OR and AND conditions
- workflows can use underlying EMPIC-EAP® data
- sub-workflows allow for nested structures
- easy modelling of e-mail notifications to internal / external users
- supports data definitions and automatic generation of online forms used in the EMPIC® WEB client
- users can easily skip from a workflow task to the objects referenced therein (such as licence holder ratings, customer data, documents etc.)
- permits automated storage of data and documents as well as transactions in the backend system (i.e. the workflow engine renews a license in the backend system as the user confirms the renewal in the workflow process)
- uploading a PDF form may trigger the start of one or more workflow jobs, bringing along the data submitted in the form
- supports due dates and escalation
- users can search, sort, filter, etc. pending and completed workflows
- users may actively pull tasks or be assigned
- tasks can be postponed, re-assigned, or prioritized
- workflows are fully historized, with a possibility to generate KPIs (key performance indicators)
- the workflow template editor features a validation tool
(EMPIC® Alerts)
An active alert entered at a person or organisation shows up in EMPIC-EAP® wherever this object’s data is available, for example at the person’s data in a licence module, or at an organisation in OAS.
The roles of many staff working within the regulatory sector are extremely complex and demand high levels of competency within their designated fields. The Competency Management module provides the tool to track skills, qualifications, attainment, training, outcomes, currency etc. from the moment an officer is recruited throughout their subsequent career. The module (integrated into CM) will demonstrate to ICAO / EASA how the authority oversees the competencies of their staff.
For those with suitable authorisation, the module allows the management of enforcement action against an actor in the system, (individual or company) and may eventually lead to revocation (rather than suspension) of a permission that the authority had granted.
The module captures information about a trigger event (inspection report, citizen concern, accident / incident investigation) and then manages the full case life cycle of investigation, collection of evidence, response, appeal etc. leading to various possible outcomes such as:
- suspension (also partial suspension, or limitation)
- revocation
- grounding
- prosecution
- penalty
This module helps NAAs with their task of measuring the performance and risk potential of service providers. To be as flexible as possible, EMPIC has created a framework that can be configured to meet current requirements but is adaptable to future requirements as well.
The system’s task is to help the inspectors gather various information from service providers. Usually, this information is collected during audits, but data can be added manually, therefore any source is possible. In combination with our central module QS, different data which is already gathered in the software and may be relevant for profiling of service providers, can be extracted and fed into RPBO automatically.
Using these sources, performance-based as well as risk-based information is collected and made available to the system, so various analyses can be conducted. Based on these analyses, NAAs can make their decisions regarding service providers, such as the frequency of audits, the depth of audits, or which areas might have the most risk reduction potential for a service provider.
In conclusion, the software will help to speed up audits and ensure inspectors invest their time in the most efficient way so that those service providers with the highest risk potential and lowest performance are handled as a top priority. The system is flexible, so other goals could be considered by changing the focus of the analysis.
Our surveillance layer (EMPIC® SL) allows the combination of compliance-based oversight (CBO) and PBO (performance-based oversight) in one combined checklist (also available on EMPIC® mobileSL).
- a collection of interactive BI reports, charts, input controls, and web content in a single integrated view (dashboard)
- ability to create sophisticated business intelligence report layouts containing charts, images, sub reports, crosstabs, etc.
- Java-based reporting library that uses data from any data source to compile and render pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed, or exported in HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice, and Word
- a lightweight, web-based data integration and replication engine with capabilities to transform and schedule data output
- Drag&drop report and dashboard designer for non-technical users
- advanced JavaScript framework used to embed and quickly and easily control the look, feel, and interactive behaviour of BI data visualisations and reports inside applications
- interactive reports and charts including on-the-fly sorting, filtering, and formatting of column values and headers
- Data integration through extraction of data from various sources, transforming the data based on defined business rules, and loading into a centralized data warehouse
- virtual view of a data source (metadata layer) for business users, which makes it easy for them to understand, and ultimately create their own reports, dashboards, and analyses
- multi-tenant BI to quickly and securely identify users, roles and reports in one environment.
The JasperReports® Server BI reports and dashboards are already embedded in various EMPIC-EAP® modules enabling the end user to easily drill-down to a particular area in the dashboard, showing a business entity like surveillance, certificate, organization, etc. directly in an EMPIC-EAP® module.
Clients can also design and use JasperReports® Server BI reports and dashboards for their own BI requirements by connecting various data sources in the JasperReports® Server and integrating the dashboards / reports within an EMPIC-EAP® module or displaying in a WEB browser.
Please see www.jaspersoft.com for more details.
Organisation Approval and Surveillance (EMPIC® OAS)
OverviewSurveillance activities and certificates / certification processes can be configured to cover use cases for air operators, maintenance companies, training organisations, flight schools, production organisations, design organisations, aerodromes, air navigation service providers, EASA Part-ORA, EASA Part-ARA, EASA Part-CAO, aeromedical examiners & centres, etc.
This includes the configuration of authority functions, authority personnel, key positions, ratings, registered facilities, deviations, enforcements, related certificates, aircraft types, surveillance activity definitions, findings, observations, agenda templates, requirement sets, categorisation systems, classification, rules, reporting sets, case templates, print actions, WEB settings and notifications.
Other types of organisations can easily be configured by the user to reflect local requirements. Examples for organisations created by our customers include ground handlers, airside cargo, dangerous goods, providers of security personnel etc. This module is so flexible that several customers use EMPIC® OAS to manage their business-related surveillance activities such as ISO 9001 and internal safety surveillance activities.
Since 2019, OAS includes case management to handle complex certification processes in highly configurable worksheets. The user is guided through all steps of a worksheet, can link various objects (documents, audits, certificates, ….) to a case, start workflows, send e-mails, and much more.
- management of different approvals and certificates, including status management for certificate revisions and minor changes/li>
- configurable hierarchical rating systems to manage all relevant technical data of service providers (ATM with ANS, AIS, CNS, MET services), courses of flight schools, kinds of dangerous goods, technical data of aerodromes, flight simulators, aircraft ratings on certificates etc./li>
- assessment process of a rating at certificate revisions/li>
- inspectors may set the progress of their assessment and indicate missing results or decisions to be made on a checklist/li>
- filtering checklists to reduce the result by matches only or highlight the results in their current context of the checklist/li>
- full text of regulation articles and paragraphs, manual chapters, expositions, or topic-based classifications are available during an assessment of the checklist without leaving the assessment view/li>
- administrating related certificates (like mandatory underlying certificates)/li>
- managing persons and their functions at a specific organisation / certificate type/li>
- management of legal regulations/li>
- traceable life cycle of operating manuals (expositions) in an organisation/li>
- administration of aircraft types in a central type rating repository according to CICTT/li>
- management of flight school types and courses/li>
- interface to EMPIC® FCL (Flight Crew Licensing)/li>
- interface to EMPIC® MPL (Maintenance Personnel Licensing)/li>
- interface to EMPIC® AR (Aircraft Registration)/li>
- configurable actions to be called from a context menu (e.g. execution of queries, sending e-mails, starting workflows, opening BI reports)/li>
- tree structure for organisation units, related approvals, surveillance activities and cases/li>
- special views for aerodromes and air operators (OPS spec with link to EMPIC® AR to cross-check special authorisations / limitations etc.)/li>
- use of configurable taxonomies for service providers, regulations and questions, surveillance activities (e.g. in the checklist planning), findings, etc./li>
- certificates with surveillance periods, deviations, registered facilities, required customer personnel, etc./li>
- dashboards for criticality matrix, certificate overview, organisation datasheet, surveillance overview, follow-up register, inspector control center/li>
- configurable, easily searchable and accessible follow-up register for an overview on findings and observations reported for the current organisation or person/li>
- notification system for critical system status, e.g. expiring certificates, overdue findings, or corrective actions/li>
- criticality matrix for the whole industry, grouped by aviation sectors (including links to directly access underlying data), showing the status of certificates and summarizing the surveillance status for each certificate/li>
- optional risk- or performance-based evaluation (EMPIC® RPBO)/li>
- combination of two assessment methods (compliance- and risk-based) in a single surveillance activity/li>
- surveillance overview on activities performed in context of regulation articles and their coverage during a certain time range/li>
- sophisticated configurable print actions for EASA recommendation Form 6 in context of Part-145, Form3-CAO etc., OPS Spec, and many others/li>
- bookmarks for fast access to important objects/li>
- configuration of certificates comprising a wealth of related data, e.g. authority functions, authority personnel, key positions, ratings, registered facilities, deviations, enforcements, related certificates, aircraft types, audit/inspection definitions, findings, observations, agenda templates, requirement sets, categorisation systems, classification, rules, reporting sets, case templates, print actions, WEB settings and notifications/li>
- optional corrective action handling for findings in the EMPIC® WEB client
- air operators (AOC and OPS Spec)
- maintenance companies
- flight schools (ATO and DTO certificate and courses approval)
- registration, certification approval and oversight of flight simulators, their operators, sites, variants etc. (FSTD)
- maintenance training organisations
- production organisations
- design organisations
- aerodromes
- air navigation service provider (ANSP)
- EASA Part-M, Subpart F
- EASA Part-M, Subpart G (CAMO)
- aeromedical examiners and centres
- foreign approvals
- RPAS (UAV / drones)
- airport security check
- ground handling organisations
- airside cargo organisations
- dangerous goods
- …and many more by individual configuration
… and you can create many more, for example:
- airport security check
- ground handling organisations
- airside cargo organisations
- dangerous goods
- approved training organisation
- declared training organisation
Extended Connections
We offer solutions in the following areas:
- users may manage their profile and basic data
- users may participate in workflows and view the current process status
- online forms based on workflows
- PDF forms starting workflows
- examiners may notify flight tests
- clients may apply for a flight crew licence
- licence holders may review their data kept at the authority
- licence holders may apply for a type / class rating
- licence holders may renew or revalidate their type / class ratings
- licence holders may renew or revalidate their maintenance licence
- pilots or air traffic controllers may fill an application form for their medical fitness test
- corrective action handling (plans submitted / approved; actions reported & approved)
- application for an extension of finding due dates
- exposition revision upload
- search for past audits
- reservation of an aircraft registration mark
- lodging an IDERA for a registered aircraft
- upload of airworthiness review certificates (ARCs)
- corrective action handling for aircraft (plans submitted / approved; actions reported & approved)
- search for past inspections
and more to come …
Currently available:
Enterprise Resource Planning & Billing
(Web Service EMPIC® DOC)
- Sends and queries documents and meta data to/from a 3rd party archiving or document management system.
- Provides a configurable set of meta data per document type.
- Allows searching by meta data in the 3rd party system (independent of EMPIC- EAP®).
(Web Service EMPIC® E-EXAM)
(Web Service EMPIC® CM)
3rd Party Workflows
(Web Service EMPIC® WF)
(Web Service EMPIC® QS)
(EMPIC® E-Payment)
(Web Service EMPIC® IAM)
RPAS operators are stored in the CM module as persons and organizations since a drone operator may be either a natural person or a company. The tab “UAS Operator” at CM person and CM organization objects carries the related registration number and validity data. Compliant with EASA regulation, such registration numbers can be generated in EMPIC-EAP® in the required format. This includes the UAS Operator Registration Number, secret key and the checksum generated using the Luhn mod-36 algorithm, according to EASA guidelines effective as of July 2020.
Drone pilots are managed in the FCL module. Every drone pilot is registered as an FCL license holder with the related drone components and ratings. Prior to using this functionality, the FCL master data must be configured accordingly, i.e. rating- component relations for drone ratings and components have to be created.
Storage and management of drone operators and pilots is available as of Version 2019R2, using flexible API functions based on GraphQL technology. EMPIC-EAP® serves as the backend solution which can process API calls sent by the customer’s frontend (e.g. web portal). This approach allows NAAs to have a highly customizable frontend solution with their corporate identity that can handle the large number of requests by drone operators and drone pilots in the RPAS domain.
Speaking in EASA terms, the existing CM and FCL API functionality allows to tackle the UAS operations in the Open category. While the drone operators are managed in CM, and the simple drone operations in the Open category – in both CM and FCL modules, any drone operations in the Specific and Certified categories are addressed by the OAS module. Starting with version 2020R2, a new OAS API functionality was successively added that likewise allows sending API requests to create, query, and update OAS certificates of different types from the customer’s frontend.
The use of OAS functionality and OAS API enables NAAs to automatically create and store Operational Declarations for flying the Standard Scenarios (STS) and Operational Authorizations for drone operators in the Specific category. In addition, applications for the Light UAS Operator Certificate (LUC, comparable to ReOC in some non-EASA countries) can be administrated and these certificates can be issued manually.
Big and complex drones that fall into EASA’s Certified category (from 150 kg) can already be managed in EMPIC-EAP® with appropriate configurations in AR (Aircraft Registration) and TC (Type Certification), like any regular aircraft.